Saturday, February 8, 2014

Panama Day 3 "Work Day"

Wow! We worked hard today. A large group of us went to the Buringa neighborhood where a church and community center is being built. We moved building materials like bricks and bags of rock down a hill, across a creek, and up the other bank to where the church is going to be built. There is no road into that area. You would be so proud of our NCA students and parents, they were hard workers. Some of the girls got to make crafts with the kids that showed up to watch. Another group of our team stayed to work at the skate park for a large skate competition they were having. We all went back in the evening to watch the purpose film with some of the skaters and hang out. God is good!


  1. So proud of our 8th graders, parents, teachers and all their hard work! God bless their labor and keep everyone safe.

  2. I read this today and thought about our students:
    “Your beliefs don't make you a better person, your behavior does.”
    Have a great 4th day!
