Friday, February 7, 2014

Panama Day 2 "Curundu VBS"

What a great day we had today. We started early (6am) this morning as we headed to the inner city neighborhood of Curundu  to help with a VBS. There had to be at least 100 kids! Today was a water themed day and we had various tasks from doing skits and puppets for the kids to doing crafts and assisting with various water themed stations. Our students and parents were marvelous! Doing whatever was asked and really loving on the kids. After lunch at the mission base we walked to the skate park to clean-up and paint in preparation for the skate competition tomorrow. Skaters will be coming from all over Panama for this, and Lord willing, we will have a chance to do a drama. Please pray for open hearts to the Gospel.

1 comment:

  1. So glad all is going well. God bless all that everyone does, says, hears!
